Includes Mortars for Vertical & Overhead Repair work as well as floors and general concrete repair .
Fosroc Renderoc GP
For vertical repair work
Renderoc GP has been specifically developed for vertical repair workFor the reinstatement of concrete where low permeability characteristics are required but where high compressive strength is not the most important consideration. Where higher compressive strengths and low permeability characteristics are required, Renderoc HB45 should be used. Renderoc GP Data Sheet
Fosroc Renderoc GP 25kg bag | £ 79.95 per bag
Nitobond AR Primer 5 litre | £ 98.00 each
Nitobond HAR Primer 5 litre | £ 95.60 each
Nitoprime Zincrich Plus 800ml | £ 69.83 each
Nitoprime Zincrich Plus 1.9 litre | £ 91.83 each
4" Paint Brush | £ 3.67 each
Latex Gloves Pack | £ 14.71 each
Fosroc Galvafroid
Anti Corrosion Galvanising Paint for Iron / Steel
Fosroc galvafroid provides a galvanic protection on iron and steel. It can be used as a self-finish or as a durable rust inhibiting primer beneath selected top coats. It is recommended for the protection of structural steelwork, agricultural and construction plant and machinery, gates, railings, iron pipework and guttering and the rust prevention of in-situ welding work. Galvafroid Data Sheet
Renderoc Repair Mortars
Renderoc HB has been specifically developed for vertical and overhead repair work where its lightweight nature and high build characteristics makes it ideal.
Renderoc HB30 mortar (R3) can be applied in sections up to 60 mm thickness in vertical locations and up to 40 mm thickness in overhead locations in a single application and without the use of formwork. Renderoc HB45 has been specificaly developed for the repair of columns and beams, but because of its medium fresh wet density, is also suitable for soffit repairs.
Renderoc HB Repair Mortar 18kg bag | £ 86.57 per bag
Renderoc HB30 Repair Mortar 22kg bag | £ 95.69 per bag
Renderoc HB45 Repair Mortar 25kg bag | £ 98.65 per bag
Nitobond AR Primer 5 litre | £ 98.00 each
Nitobond HAR Primer 5 litre | £ 95.60 each
Nitoprime Zincrich Plus 800ml | £ 69.83 each
Nitoprime Zincrich Plus 1.9 litre | £ 91.83 each
Renderoc Fibre Reinforced Reinstatement Mortars
Renderoc HBS has been specificaly developed for the repair of columns and beams but, because of its relatively low fresh wet density, is also suitable for soffit repairs. Renderoc HBM has been specifically developed for vertical and overhead repair work where its lightweight nature and high build characteristics makes it ideal. Renderoc HBS Data Sheet
Renderoc LA & Renderoc S
Renderoc LA has been specifically developed for the repair of large areas of concrete where access is restricted or where reinforcement is congested. Renderoc LA55 is ideal for the reinstatement of large, structural sections of concrete as well as for many smaller locations where difficulties of access make hand or trowel-applied mortars impractical.
Renderoc LA 25kg bag | £ 58.00 per bag
Renderoc LA55 25kg bag | £ 78.95 per bag
Renderoc S 25kg bag | £ 117.75 per bag
Fosroc Paveroc
High performance reinstatement mortar for concrete pavements and floors conforming to the requirements of BS EN 1504-3 Class R4.Fosroc Paveroc for the reinstatement of large areas of concrete pavements and floors to avoid the total replacement of bays. The product is alkaline in nature and will protect embedded steel reinforcement. It may be used internally and externally. Patchroc GP is recommended.for emergency patching of small areas of concrete pavements and floors. Paveroc Data Sheet
Flexcrete Monomix & Monomix HD
Monomix is a low density, high strength, shrinkage compensated, waterproof mortar for the structural repair, rendering and profiling of vertical, horizontal and overhead surfaces. Monomix HD is a high strength, waterproof, shrinkage compensated, standard density mortar with good abrasion resistance for the structural repair, rendering and profiling of vertical, overhead and horizontal surfaces including trafficked areas.
Fastfill, Monolite & Marine S Mortar
Fastfill is a rapid setting, Portland cement-based structural mortar for the durable repair of concrete which cannot be taken out of service for long periods, or in areas subjected to heavy wear such as roads, runways, bridges, decks, floors and footpaths. Fastfill Data Sheet
Monolite is a lightweight, high build, shrinkage compensated, polymer modified mortar for the repair, rendering and profiling of concrete, brick or stone substrates.
Monolite Data Sheet Marine Mortar S is used for the structural repair and profiling of vertical, horizontal and overhead surfaces in marine and tidal areas which are subject to early immersion. Marine Mortar S Data Sheet
Flexcrete Fastfill 25kg bag | £ 78.95 per bag
Flexcrete Monolite 18kg bag | £ 72.00 per bag
Flexcrete Marine Mortar S 30kg bag | £ 94.70 per bag
Steel Reinforcement Protector 841 5kg bag | £ 74.70 per bag
Bonding Bridge 842 4kg bag | £ 43.70 per bag
Ronacrete Concrete Repair Mortars
Ronabond Concrete Repair Mortar is a prepacked, ready to use mortar for concrete repair and is used with Ronabond Primer which gives monolithic adhesion to all correctly prepared surfaces.
RonaBond HB25 is a prepacked mortar used for repairing concrete on vertical and overhead surfaces where ease of application is as important as high strength.
Ronabond HB40 can be used in most weather conditions and in a wide temperature range, from +3°C to 25°C and above. At high ambient and material temperature the working time of the mix will be reduced; it will be increased at lower temperatures.
Sika Concrete Repair Mortars
Sika MonoTop 1010 is a one component cementitious, polymer modified primer for reinforcement protection and also a bonding bridge for MonoTop concrete repair mortars. Sika Monotop 1010 Data Sheet
Sika MonoTop 4012 is designed as a high strength repair and reprofiling system for concrete substrates. It is particularly suitable for application on overhead and vertical surfaces using the wet spray method and can also be placed by hand.
Sika MonoTop 3020 is a one component cementitious polymer modified mortar. concrete pore sealer/levelling mortar/smoothing coat. Sprayable by wet spray method. Sika Monotop 3020 Data Sheet
Ardex A46
Multi-Purpose Concrete Repair Mortar
Ardex A46 is a rapid concrete repair mortar, which is ideal for external and internal use. The polymer-modified mortar sets and hardens fast to give a repair of high performance , strength and hardness with a smooth paintable finish. Available in 11Kg bags or a convenient, van friendly bag-in-a-bucket.
- Ideal for the rapid repair of damaged concrete
- Sets within 30 minutes
- Apply from 2mm to 50mm
- Easy to smooth and float
- Suitable for repairing of damaged stair nosings, wall edges, gaps, tie bolt holes, soffit repair and building ramps and falls.
Coverage: Approximately 4m2 at 2mm thick per 11Kg unit
Ardex A46 11kg bag | £ 42.40 per bag
Ardex A46 5kg tub | £ 29.65 each
RIW Cement Based Repair Mortars
Cementfill FC is a single component, thixotropic, polymer modified, cement based waterproof repair mortar with high adhesive properties . Uses - Fairing coat to fill minor holes and defects , Repair surface cavities and honeycombed concrete , Waterproof screed, Totally waterproof. RIW Cementfill FC Data Sheet
Cementfill HB is a single component, thixotropic, polymer modified cement based rapid hardening waterproof high build repair mortar. Uses - High build structural repair mortar, Rendering and profiling vertical, horizontal and overhead applications , Fillets at internal corners , Totally waterproof.
Waterproofing Repair Mortars
BASF THOROPLUG / MASTERSEAL 590 is a single component hydraulic cement-based, fast-setting, repair mortar that instantly stops running water or active moisture seepage though holes or cracks in concrete or masonry.
Sikalastic®-1K is a one component, highly elastic, cementitious fibre-reinforced mortar for the flexible waterproofing of concrete structures. Also for Waterproofing of bathrooms, showers, terraces, balconies, swimming pools before the application of ceramic tiles bonded with adhesives For Waterproofing of external wall surfaces to be backfilled in ground and Inside waterproofing of negative water pressure of walls and floors in basements. Sikalastic 1K Data Sheet
Includes Mortars for emergency and permanent reinstatement of concrete
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Fosroc Patchroc GP
For small patch repairs
Patchroc GP For emergency and permanent reinstatement of localised patches in concrete pavements, airport aprons, access ramps and floors. Particularly useful when interruption of traffic must be minimised. The product is alkaline in nature and will protect embedded steel reinforcement. It may be used internally and externally. For the reinstatement of large areas of concrete pavements and floors, the use of Paveroc is recommended. Patchroc Data Sheet
Sika Rapid Setting Repair Mortars
Sika Monotop 630 Rapid is a one component fast setting cementitious repair mortar. Fast repairs to horizontal or vertical concrete surfaces, Filling/repair mortar for voids, honeycombed areas etc. Sika Monotop 630 Data Sheet
SikaSet 45 can be used for : Rapid repair mortar for horizontal concrete surfaces, Industrial floors, roads, runways, bridge decks and car park decks .As a Filling mortar for voids and honeycombed areas in concrete and a Bedding mortar for inspection chambers, manhole covers, gully grates, stanchion posts, street furniture. SikaSet 45 Data Sheet
SikaTop® Armatec®-110 EpoCem® is a cementitious epoxy resin compensated 3-component coating material with corrosion inhibitor, used as bonding primer and reinforcement corrosion protection. Sika Armatec Data Sheet
Sika® FerroGard®-903+ is a multifunctional inhibitor which controls the cathodic and anodic reactions. This dual action effect significantly retards both the onset and the rate of corrosion and increases the time to future maintenance. Sika® FerroGard®-903+ is normally applied as part of a corrosion management strategy.
Also available Sikagard 545w Elastofill & Sikagard 720 Epocem.
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Nitomortar Epoxy Repair Mortars
Nitomortar HB is based on a high performance solvent free epoxy resin system. The special lightweight filler is specifically designed to give excellent ‘hanging’ properties for vertical and overhead work. Nitomortar HB is a three component material supplied in pre-weighed quantities ready for on-site mixing and use.
Nitomortar PE is a resin jointing and repair compound, based on a polyester resin system, suited to general purpose use. The hardener system enables the mix to be varied from a pourable consistency to a trowelable mortar without significantly affecting the setting times or strengths achieved.
Nitomortar S
Nitomortar S can be used on metal substrates For the fast and permanent reinstatement of concrete, particularly where resistance to chemicals is required. The product is designed for horizontal use but can be applied vertically, although generally in thinner sections. It is ideally suited for acid tanks, sea walls, industrial floors and for use as a bedding mortar.
Nitofill LV/TH & Accessory Pack
Nitofill LV Is a low viscosity system for the injection of cracks between 0.25mm and 9mm wide in concrete and masonry, where both sides of the crack can be sealed to prevent resin drainage. Nitofill LV Data Sheet
Nitofill TH has been developed for the injection of cracks 0.5 to 9mm wide in concrete and masonry, and has been specially formulated to minimise the drainage of resin from cracks which are incompletely sealed.Nitofill TH Data Sheet
Weber.tec EP Mortar
weber.tec EP mortar can also be used for bedding ● Beams ● Runway lights ● Bearings including bridge bearings . This is a fast epoxy repair mortar that is stronger than concrete within 24 hours .
weber.tec EP mortar has negligible shrinkage characteristics, plus high adhesion, making the product ideal for all types of concrete repair including repairs to: ● Precast units ● Spalled and cracked concrete structures ● Floors and other substrates where chemical resistance and/or impermeability to water, oil, petrol and many chemicals is required. Weber.tec EP Mortar Data Sheet
Epicon F.S. Mortar
Epicon F.S. Mortar is a fast curing, heavy duty epoxy mortar which has been formulated to enable the rapid repair of concrete surfaces. It is a pre-weighed three component system of solvent free epoxy resin and hardener which, when blended with the aggregate provided, forms a high strength mortar with outstanding adhesive properties. Ideal for reactive maintenance in locations of heavy use, such as car parks, rail stations and goods yards. Epicon F.S. Mortar Data Sheet
Ardex P10 SR
Ardex P10 SR Rapid Hardening Crack Repair Resin Kit is a solvent free polymer-modified 2 component silicate resin system. The kit is easy to use and includes stitching pins, mixing/dosing bottles and protective gloves. It can be used for the rapid repair of non-structural cracks, joint sealing and as a rapid hardening general purpose adhesive. Ardex P10 SR Data Sheet
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Sikadur 42 + HE & Sikadur 41 CF
Sikadur 42 + HE Cold Climate is a three part rapid high strength pourable epoxy grout. Used as a levelling and repair mortar on concrete, stone, mortar, render and timber.
Sikadur 41 CF is a solvent-free, thixotropic, three part epoxy patching and repair mortar. Available in two grades - Normal and Rapid. Uses : As repair and bonding mortar for: Concrete elements , Hard natural stone , Ceramics, fiber cement , Mortar, Bricks, Masonry , Steel, Iron, Aluminium , Wood , Polyester, Epoxy , Glass , As a repair mortar for : Filling of cavities and voids Vertical and overhead use.
Sikadur 31 + Rapid & Sikadur 31 DW Da
Sikadur 31 + can be used as a structural adhesive for : Concrete elements , Hard natural stone , Ceramics, fibre cement , Mortar, Bricks, Blocks, Masonry etc , Steel, Iron, Aluminium , Wood , Polyester, Epoxy, Glass . As a fast setting repair mortar for: Corners and edges , Hole and void filling Joint arrises. Sikadur 31 Data Sheet
Sikadur 31 DW is a 2-component thixotropic structural epoxy adhesive for drinking water contact. For use in temperatures +5°C and +20°C. Sikadur 31 DW Data Sheet
Sikadur 32 + Epoxy Bonding Agent
For wood , iron , brick, stone
Sikadur® -32 + may be used to bond all types of construction materials including concrete, brick, stone, mortar, GRC, fibrous cement, wood, iron, steel and cured epoxy mortars.
Sikadur® -32 + exhibits excellent adhesion enabling it to be successfully employed in both structural and non-structural situations. Damp proof membrane „ Crack injection 5 – 10mm.
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Ardex K15 / Ardex K301
Ardex K15 is ideal for fast track installations, ARDEX K 15 NEW is walkable after 2 hours, and floor coverings can be applied the next day, regardless of thickness. Apply from feather edge up to 35mm thick , Suitable for floors with underfloor heating. Ardex K15 Data Sheet
ARDEX K 301 Exterior Self-Smoothing Levelling and Resurfacing Compound is a special fast setting cement-based product designed to smooth and level rough and damaged concrete surfaces in external and internal situations.
Sikalevel 30 Latex Ultra
SikaLevel-30 Latex Ultra is an high strength rapid setting cement based powder, which when mixed with water, can be used to level out uneven floors and screeds.
The high strenghth solution can withstand motor traffic . Once the solution has set you can either supply floor coverings or leave it as a final wearing surface.
Sikalevel 30 is suitable for interior and exterior use , and is water and frost resistant , and can be open to foot trafficc within 2 hours.
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Fosroc Renderoc Waterplugs
Renderoc Plug is a rapid setting mortar which is easy to apply to horizontal, vertical or overhead surfaces at a wide range of thicknesses. There are two grades available: Renderoc Plug 1 with an initial set time of approximately 1 minute, and Renderoc Plug 20 with an initial set time of approximately 20 minutes.
Masterseal 590/Waterplug
Masterseal 590 is an ultra rapid setting mortar to plug active waterleaks and anchor fixings . Masterseal 590 is a fast setting cementitous mortar that stops active water leaks though joints , cracks and holes in concrete masonary. It also serves as a seal for construction joints and in basement tanking.
Masterseal 590/Waterplug 25kg | £ 172.00 per pack
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